Friday, August 22, 2014

Contact information

It's been pointed out that I'm a hard person to get hold of. For those looking for me, I can be emailed at


Sunday, August 03, 2014

Omaha merchandise, sketches available

Okay, I'm on eBay and in celebration of Omaha being finished and my 65th birthday today, I have been offering a few A/Ps of the "Afternoon of a Feline" serigraph from 1994 and the Shakers Omaha the Cat Dancer Picture Disc from 1988. Other items may become available as i continue to dig through the piles of stuff in  my house.

The picture disks are up now and can be found here:

I'm including a one-off CD-ROM of the digitally remastered version of the album with an extra track.
The serigraph is not available this month due to eBay listing restrictions, but I will put some up again in September.

Anyone making queries about sketches or about original Omaha pages, email me or watch this blog.